Friday, November 20, 2009

Part 1..

Its been 3 hours that he hasn't called or text me. So sad. I'm just waiting for him to text me. That's all. I feel so lonely now. I don't know what else to do. Erm, Tv and Leptop will keep me awake. Hehe.. I miss him so much. I really do. I don't know why he hasn't answer my call. Why? That's the thing i don't get it. 
What is he doing? when he doesn't answer my call?? hmm.. *wondering*.. 

Anyway, I'm watching some lame stuff. What's the tittle again..? "The Scorpion King" .. Argh.. Gosh! so boring.!! There's nothing else to watch. There's no good movies tonight.. hee.. Before that, around 7 something just now, I was watching this movie called, Butterfly something-something.. Its quite meaningful though.. haa.. Its about this husband and wife trouble something-something. That the wife cought her husband cheating on her or something. Yeah.. Its slightly about that. =) I know it sounds stupid and lame. But yeahh.. 

Waiting... Waiting.. Boring.. 

Where the hell is he?! I miss him.. I do!!!