Thursday, November 5, 2009

In God's hands..

Arived in KL around 1.30.. Thank God that my mum and I had a save flight here.. 
Anyway, moving on.. as soon as my mum and I arivied at my aunty's house, my mum start to cry..  she's very sad about my aunty's condition.. 
My aunty is very sick. Sick as in she's facing 'cancer'. I just found out this morning where the doctor says that its got to do with the brain and the lungs. My aunty face breast cancer years ago. That was like 9 years ago i think. Yup. She face breast cancer 9 years ago and suspected that the cancer cell has activated again.. so, when we arived at my aunty's house, there were few friends of my aunty were there to help her around the house.. i felt pleased that they are willing to help my aunty. 

When my mum saw my aunty.. She quickly put her beg now and hugged my aunty.. My mum was crying and my aunty was crying too.. As for me, i did cried but it just couldn't let it all out..but.. i did cried.. I felt so sad and sorry for my aunty.. She is still thinking wheater she wants to go for kemo or i don't know.. (I DON'T KNOW)..

Honestly..i've lost one aunty from Canada where she faced cancer to.. so, I just have tobe ready facing this one.. hm.. anyway, it is in God's hand..Hope that she will be okay..