Saturday, November 7, 2009


Tomorrow is going to be a new day.. Just now, before my mum, my uncle and I went for our dinner, we had a little prayer with my sick aunt before she goes to bed.. anyway.. I prayed too.. was feeling nervous and speechless.. anyway.. moving on.. while i was praying, i cired!!! can you imagine that..
hmm. i felt soooo sadd for my aunty.. i really pity her.. My uncle was crying too..

After we prayed.. My mum send my aunty back up the her room where me and my mum slept... Tomorrow its a new day for all of us. Where else my aunty is going for this healing secsion 2 tomorrow. We all pray and hope that she will get better.. anyway, i believe in God's miricle.. i really do..

Eventhough we don't really have faith in us sometimes.. i believe in God's hands.. hmm.. I'm speechless now.. I don't know what to say or write.. All i know that my feelings now is like very confuse and scared.. I'm scared and I'm not ready for all this yet.. (you get what i mean) but no matter what i will just have to face it.. If it happens, maybe God thinks that my aunty is ready to go.. :'( i dont't want that to happen!!!  i seriously DON'T want that to happen.. but what can i do?? it is part of life..
Everyone have to go through with DEATH! you know what i mean????