Friday, December 4, 2009

Having nothing..

You're lies are all Bullshit..!
I love you so much..
I can't move on any more with our relationship..
I don't to have a broken heart in the future.. I know it hurts to let go..but I must try.
I must try.. I must make my heart strong enough to let you go...
ITs working..
step by step..
YOU deserved a better girl for you. Just not me.
I know how hurt it feels.. but, this is what it called 'LOVE'
'LOVE' does cost pain.. its the matter of fact that you know how to take good care off it..
I'm truly sorry for everything..
100% in love turns too 0% if love..
I'm truly sorry..
I don't want to play the broken hearted girl..
No.. not any more..