Monday, November 2, 2009

Mandy's house!!

Today was a fun day!! haha.. i didnt went to school today! consider it (escape)
haha.. me and manda plan not to go to school lamme.. haha. cuz going to school when exams OVER is ssooo major boring!!! sitting down in class, gossiping, all i can do is just SLEEP!
which i did it eveytime when im bored!! but anyway, yea. when to manda's house this morning. My mum send me there when she's on her way to work...yaa.. i called manda like arounf 7.06 a.m when she is still asleep.. ehhe.. SORRY MANDY! yaa..
i guess she didnt realise that i think.. ??  =/ anyway... when i reached at mandy's house we ate our breakfast.. yummmyy!! i didnt actually eat.. just drink plain water and *i don't know what's that thing called* hahha.. ya.. thenn.. mandy's sister ash join us.. we watched EMILY ROSE!!!OMG! haha .. its not that scary actaully.. ermm. i want to say it scary also, but its not that scary..ermm. i guess maybe becuase i watched it with my friends.. yaa..after that.. hanging around laughing at ashley "ha ha" doing some stupid stuff, trying to act 'HAWT" *no comment* hahaha.. yaa. so, i really had fun today..

The most interesting part was that i fall asleep!! hahahaha! while me and mandy was watching confesstion of a shop sumthing2.. thennnn.. i fall asleep. ehehe i was so sleepy.. !! then i woke up like aaa.. ?? ermm.. 4.30 like that i think.. haha. didnt look at the time.. after that, me, mandy and her sis.. we just hang out.haha, disturbing each other..especially MANDY!! OMG!! SO DANGEROUS!!! hahaha!