Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Loyalty is falling into history..

Loyalty is a strong word. Loyalty among friends..
Its very hard to find true friends now a days, because at this age or at this stage we manage to experience many kinds of friends in this world.. 

I used to have lovely friends.. I really do. Even now, I have my lovely friends with me. I even love them for who they are. But its not easy to love a friend when you know that they turn you down or turn you in when they are in trouble. Is it me? Not knowing the true meaning of *True Friendship* or is it that person? How can we tell?? 

Its not easy to tell when you know that person for like a few weeks or days. But we can get to know when our friendship is really deep (as in friends). Knowing each other for like YEARS! People can change, even friends do change. From my point of view, i experience many different kinds of friends i have. But eventually some friend do not appreciate the things that we do or done for them. That's why its best that we just let go them to stop hurting myself. Some friendship can be save in a way that we try to understand each other more and not forgetting who we are inside.

Every time I do always ask myself, am I worth to you? (as a friend) O.M.G sounds so lesbian.. ha ha..  anyway, I just hate it when friends treats you like shit. I don't want to give you face any more. I've tried my best to makes things better. But sadly, you just don't realise that any more. I realise it LONG TIME AGO. But i kept quite because i know that i'm not wrong in that kinds of way. You yourself know your own mistakes. 

Stop pretending like every things okay for you and me, for her and you and me. JUST STOP EVERYTHING. If you want to say anything, just say it RIGHT now?? what's the point you keeping it inside, and pretend like everything's so way cool and has no mistakes in it?.. Well, relationships, friendships etc has their own mistakes. Why bother keeping it inside. I really do hope that you realise this for a long time that I've been avoiding you both after since i found out everything. I don't know why. Every time when you both are there, its like i'm not on the same pages as you guys any more. I started to hang out with different people, you guys started to hang out with different people. But HYE! I don't regret it that i brought every thing up from the beginning, because if i have not brought up every thing, well, I would not know the different side of you. 

Right now? its lucky that you have someone to love, someone to be with even though you fight all day long, even though its hard to understand him.. but be thankful that you have him in your life. No matter how bad or mean he treated you, you are lucky? Me? what do i have? Friends i love? 20% only.. Boyfriend that i had? 20% in only.. Me and him are friends.. but we both agree to try to work it out..  because we still love each other.. so, why don't me and him try to work things out right? Sometimes its hard to let you all know because maybe some of you would not understand the feelings. 

Well, some of you are miss perfect STRONG. haha.. I'm just saying it.. 
Anyway, it involves with TWO person here..I just don't understand you both that's all. 
Just stop talking about others. I know i may let you down in different kinds of way. But i still treat you in a sincere way. I just want you to know that, if i had enough you all this, i wont give a damn any more. That's all..

You may think that C is being sooooo way fucking nice to you.. but please, as your friend. Just be careful with letter C, because you might never know that she's talking about you too. But if letter B don't realise it, what can I do?.. 

Letter C should stop all the pretending. Your so annoying. I know that you want to get attention. You can have all the attention around you if you are being original. I'm thankful to have friends like you guys form the beginning, helping me when I'm in trouble. Helping me when I'm facing money problems. But hey, I'm here to help you too.. 

But first, you need to help yourself.
That's all. Don't fool yourself or lie to yourself. Just be truthful. That's all. In the end, it will turn back to us. *No meaning* hahah..  what I'm trying to say is don't lie to yourself. That's all. You keep things inside? Not being honest with yourself, how to work things out? i've told you before already, if i know its my mistakes, i will say sorry on the spot. But when i know its not my fault, i will wait until you confess. But since you think that your right, well everybody things that they are right.. ha ha.. 
Up to you la okay. I can't force you to say it. Its up to you to think its right or wrong. But you know it yourself through your heart. That's all.