Thursday, November 19, 2009

Updating.. =D

Yesterday had a fight with Jas.. isshh!! fuck Him! I don't know why.. but he make me soo fucking fedup..
Eventually, I hate him and i Don't. But well, nothing's perfect in the world.. All i got to do is just be petient with his FUCKING attitude!

Anyway... moving on.. feeling *hungry*..  so hungry.. but mamy wouldn't let me eat.. :'( yeap yeap.. *tahan jak lah*..
I'm here sitting here at my mum's office doing nothing but blogging and facebooking.. What else can i do??
Honestly speaking, I'm so so lazy to update my blog.. :'( seriously..But anyway, i've got nothing to do.. so, its better to update my blog.. huhu!

I can't wait to step into the reload shop and top up my creadit. :'( no creadit.. no creadt.. no creadit.. so sad.. Yesterday, I ask my mum to top up for me but she say, "use your own money!".. =( so mean.. hehe.. yaa yaa.. hopefully i can top up by today! I can't live like this!! NO CREADIT??!!?!?!?

to be continued...