Saturday, November 7, 2009


Okay, my uncle had just arived here in KL..
Well, seeing tears again and again.. I HATE IT! Seeing tears every where makes me very sad..
I just don't want to cry and let it out.. Erm.. its very sad to see them crying, im just speechless..
It happens all the time..

Yesterday, my cousin called from NZ, she's my aunty's daughter. Well, i over heard their conversation.. Erm.. Well, both of them were crying on the phone. I was just guessing.. but its true that they were crying..

Well, i didn't want to continue listening to their conversation.. but, what to do.. I just want to know whats happening.. Eventually, I'm a busy body girl.. hehe. But anyway.. Thank God that my uncle had a save flight to KL from Kahzattan..

I'll continue to keep my fingers cross and hope that everythings going to be okay.. :'(